Wednesday, May 23, 2007


So Traffic wardens in Manchester are going to start wearing head-mounted CCTV cameras as they go about their their daily duties.

There are some who would argue that this is a vital tool to aid and assist our much maligned parking enforcers as they carry out their essential duties of keeping our streets clear of white vans and Chelsea tractors.

Others will say that this is the Big Brother society going too far, and protest that it is a violation of our core human right to privacy. That in a world where a parent cannot take out a camera at a school sports day for fear of being branded a pervert, there will be an army of complete strangers filming everybody, everywhere!

However surely the most important point to be made is not one of an Orwellian nature, but that of instant comedy gold. Surley this footage would be a gift for YouTube!!

How long before a head mounted camera records something truly hilarious such as a “something about mary” toilet related mishap, or an elderly driver managing to park a Fiesta halfway up a tree.

Today’s newspaper had a photograph of a Trafic Wardens van being towed for parking at a bus stop. While the crowd cheered and applauded this comical reversal of fortunes the Traffic Warden in question still found time to place a parking ticket on the tow truck for being parked in a Red-Zone!

Just imagine if all that has been filmed? We’d have been talking about Bafta Winning Comedy!!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Street Crime - Country Style!

It was late one Saturday night. I was headed for home along a route I have successfully navigated hundreds of times before.

Suddenly there was a noise which took my attention. A strange combination of growl and hiss began to come from the bushes to my right. The culprit soon presented himself to be a fairly sizeable badger who had taken an extreme disliking to my presence this particular evening.

It was a moonless night but I could still just about make out the stripy faced little git as he began to charge towards me.

Now I had grown up as a child on the image of the Gentle, wise old badgers from tales such as Wind in the Willows and The Animals of Farthing Wood.

The one that was charging down this slightly bemused bystander on a moonless Saturday evening was certainly no Genial wood-dweller. Here we had a hole-dwelling hoodie not only heading for his first ASBO, but more importantly, heading for my ankles.

I had up until this point been having highly enjoyable evening and had no intention of ending it by being eaten alive by a loveable woodland favourite - The humiliation would have been to great.

So I took the only obvious action available to me at the time. I turned on my heals and legged it. I very nearly gave him my wallet and car keys as well!

And so I come to stand before you all today and ask you take heed of my warning. Street crime is not just an urban thing. It’s just a lot more bizarre out here in the sticks.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007 Launches Printing Service!

Stop looking at her! Look at this!
As of May 2007, has luanched a new printing service that can provide professional quality prints of almost every image on the website. A 6x4 print costs just £2.50!
We can print up to an A3 image plus if you want to get all fancy there's the option of having the print on a stretched canvas over a wooden frame. Admittedly this costs £140 or so but the option is there!
Already in the first week we've had 4 drivers and teams contact us to order prints. Payment is quick and easy through Paypal and the photos are with you in under a week.
So have a look at the site and then send me an e-mail. It really is that easy...

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The New Justice Squad

Today the Home Office gets split in two forming the new "Ministry of Justice"

Am I the only one who thinks this sounds like it should have been something from a Marvel Comic.

Is it a bird, is it a Plane... no! It's the Minister of Justice! See how he soars through the traffic lights in a police escorted Jaguar.

Deep in a Whitehall basement an over-worked Civil Servant has accidentally placed a list of 500 dangerous criminals in the "To Shred" pile instead of passing it on to the Police. But Never Fear, The Secretary of State for Justice is here!!!

See how he solves the problem by using his special powers of Fax and Email

Oh I can see a film franchise now!!!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Politics is in the Air

Well it’s that time again. Jeremy Vine is busy dusting off his swingometer and the Dimbleby’s are having a lie-in ahead of a very busy evening of debate, interview and analysis.

Yes it’s the English local elections!

Politics is in the air at late. Firstly we have a General Election looming in France, and the new resident of the Elysee Palace is surely going to have impact on the Continent of Europe as a Whole. In America there is an ongoing conflict between the Democrats and the White House over the future of the war in Iraq. And now here in Sussex we get to have our say on those Major issues such as should our bins be emptied once a year, or simply be placed under surveillance by an Environmental Special Branch.

The environment has been the central issue of this campaign for most. With David Cameron proudly announcing that you can Go Green by Voting Blue. Recycling is more popular than ever, slightly too popular it seems after reading a story yesterday on the BBC website about a woman charged for feeding her husband a Dog-Poo Vindaloo. Waste not..!

However on the whole the local elections in England will probably will probably prove little more than a popularity poll for the Government in Westminster, and a reading on the state of play coming into the 2009 General Election.

That is just England… On the other side of Hadrians wall things are a lot more interesting.

The Scots seem to be not voting only on who gets to run Scotland, but seemingly the very future of the union itself. The SNP promise a referendum on Scottish in dependants within 100 days if they can take control of the Scottish Parliament.

Is this marriage of 300 years really nearing the end?

The one thing we all know is certain to end is the Premiership of Tony Blair. Sometime next week he is wildly expected to pop round to the Palace and resign as PM, triggering the leadership contest that will almost certainly be won by Gordon Brown.

Politics is in the air at late, and it’s certainly an air of change.

So make sure you’re a part of it. Make sure you’ve had your say!

Do your bit for British Democracy - Go & Vote!