Monday, December 18, 2006

2006 Chiltie Award Winner: MACCA

I can now reveal that after much soul searching, result tallying, coin tossing and bung accepting - Chris Mack is awarded the 2006 Chiltie Award.

Macca, weeks after being hospitalised by a small mammal, was back with the Bryson Boys for the Fifth Annual Le Mans expedition.

Anyone who has ever made the trip to the Circuit de la Sarthe will know that it is tiring enough on foot, on crutches it must have been hell. Of course he had brought a wheelchair to ease the strain on his arms, although after an encouter with a shark at the local Carrefour and a 17 mile treck to watch a soccerball game - the wheels fell off!

On the bright-side he came home strong enough to bench-press an Intercity 125, an event which was to cause sevire delays on the East Coast Mainline.

So well done to Macca for showing us the meaning of indefatigable, or at least pointing us in the direction of the dictionary to look it up for ourselves.

One very tiny certificate is on it's way.

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