Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Good News All Round

It's not every day you wake up to some good news!

And after 7 days of unexploded bombs, smoking bans, heavy flooding and long goodbyes (some expected & other's not) I think we are all happy to finally hear a positive piece of news! Alan Johnston is free and on his way home!!

And in the spirit of the day, I can now offer another positive bit of news. Ladies and Gentlemen kindly be upstanding and raise your glasses to the long awaited return of the never missed and possibly unpopular Brysonline MaccaTracca!

Yes, the online free service which can monitor how long it's been since we last saw the 2006 Grand Chiltie Award winner, our very own Macca.

It's being brought back at RED because of it's been a while... but check back regulaly because he's out there somewhere!! Possibly standing outside a pub in the rain.

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