Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Toot & Come In - The Return to Brysonline

The candle flickered in the evening breeze as we began our decent towards the sealed doorway. Engraved on the stone was a name, it's meaning long since lost to history. I chipped away enough at the rock to create a small hole. There was a breeze across my cheek as the stale air from within finally found freedom. I thrust the candle through the hole, it took a few moments but soon I was able to pick out shadows in the darkness. 

“What can you see?” came a voice from behind me. 

“Wonderful things!”

There was a long silence

"Ok… well stuff!"

I emerged from the tomb entrance to announce the re-discovery to the waiting world. Unfortunately they were all watching the launch of the new Xbox, so I think I'll just go for a Nando's.

I'm sure Howard Carter would have done the same.

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