Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Bryson Motorsports: 2000 - 2007

It was Saturday the 13th May 2000. The Venue was Silverstone circuit in the heart or Northamponshire. The “Audi Years” were just beginning as the mighty R8 meets Britain’s premier (if not only) Grand Prix Circuit.

It was there in the baking sun, sitting in the remnants of a half deconstructed hospitality suite that the ficticious Bryson Motorsports came to be. Over the disected remnants of the portable radio I had bought for a fiver.

A private joke between two slightly sun-stroked endurance race fans just kept growing faster than my bar-bill. Soon others were in on the joke

A month later we did our first Le Mans and for the first time there was the moniker “The Bryson Boys”

By 2003 the first “tour shirts’ appeared featuring a team logo, and now established Red/Black Livery.

In July 2006 Brysonline was born, with the intention of becoming a community forum for “Bryson Boys” to share there thoughts and discuss the weither matters of the day.

Now in 2007 we are approaching our 7th birthday. Which is almost 50 in Dog Years. Our “Golden Retriever” anniversary!

It is an event which should be marked, preferably by a commemorative £2 coin or a limited edition stamp of some kind. Although I suppose a curry and a piss-up will do the job equally well!

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