Wednesday, April 25, 2007

New Earth

There is another planet that is just maybe a little bit like Earth and might just possibly have water/trees/hamsters.

This was the exciting news I had woken up to this morning. Scienticians who know far more about such things were getting very excited by the discovery of the unromantically named Gleise 581 C.

Last weeks Doctor Who storylines are seemingly this weeks reality, as suddenly the World is talking about a “New Earth”

Apparently the planet, larger than the earth and with a year lasting just 13 days, is in that orbital sweet-spot needed to ensure that a planet is habitable. As Goldilocks said – “It’s Just Right!”

Unfortunately for me I’ll probably never get to see this probable package holiday destination of the future. At 20 light years travelling time it is probably well beyond the range of even my new zippier Mini Cooper.

Of course it I were to set off this morning with a full tank of petrol I would probably still get there before the Cricket World Cup finishes. It seemingly has been going on since the Sphynx was a kitten and shows no sign of ever stopping. Yet people are still watching on TV and talking about it endlessly on the radio.


Surely the biggest mystery’s of our universe are a lot closer to home!

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