Monday, April 21, 2008

The way we were!

Five things that used to be great but we don’t just have them anymore.

1: Global Hypercolor T-Shirts.

A Garment so high tech that it could change colour depending on the temparature, turning the embarassment of sweaty pits into a bold fashion statement! It was pure science availiable to buy at C&A. Wearing that Blue T-shirt with my pink sweat marks I was in the future, and flying cars and hoverboards must surely be imminent.

2: Zeppelins

Combine the excitement of flying with the comfort of a cruise ship. Obviously filling them with highly explosive gasses was a design set-back, but with modern design and inert gasses they would be perfectly safe in light to moderate winds on a nice sunny day.

3: Cross Channel Hovercrafts

They were supposed to be the future, then they were the present for a bit before finally being killed off by something from the past – a humble train! It was a fantastic solution to problem that didn’t really exist. But the dream lives on in the garden sheds of Flymo owners everywhere!

4: Murray Walker Commentaries

Murray Walker could talk about paint drying and leave feeling like you had just seen the greatest TV spectacle since that Rainbow episode where Zippy played with his twanger. We can only hope that a one-off appearance to mark the return of F1 to the BBC is not out of the question.

5: Concorde

The 747 was almost invented by accident. Supersonic air travel was the future and Boeing was working on the american Conkers. It was with this in mind that some clever chap thought that there would be a market for a large cargo carrier, because there would not be room on the small passenger jets. The result made Concorde virtually redundant and brought low cost air-travel to the masses. Today Concorde sits in museums as the news gets excited about cruise liners again. History has taken a backwards step!

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