Monday, April 21, 2008

Roll of Honour

My Top 5 Most Memorable Computer Game Characters

1. Portal - The Companion Cube:

It’s a cube with a pink heart painted on the side. Not obviously a legendary character but during the short time you spend together it saves your life, helps you complete your goals and breaks your heart. In it’s final tragic twist it is distroyed at your own hands leaving an emotional scar that will never quite heal.

2. Max – Sam & Max Hit the Road:

Max is a a hyperkinetic rabbity thing intent on chaos and distruction. What more could you ask for?

3. The Military Advisor – Civilisation 2

Conquering the World is hard, as many people have discovered over the years. Sometimes when you find yourself caught in a pincer movement between the armies of Queen Elizabeth the 1st and Abraham Lincoln, you need a little re-assurance, and often a calm voice pointing out that building another 60 battleships is always a good idea.

4. Jools & Jops: Cannon Fodder

It’s slogan of “War has never been so much fun” hid a message of pacifism. After every level you paid tribute to your fallen comrades and watched the cemetary slowly filling up behind the queue of willing conscripts. None were missed so much as your first two soldiers. After all you’d come into the game together, but only one of you would see it through.

5. The Mechanic from Toca Race Driver 3.

I know you thought you were helping mate but for the love of God just leave me alone!! I was racing in the DTM when you found me, I made the podium that day. A few pieces of helpful advice later and I am back in England looking at a season in Clio’s. No matter how you look at that it’s a backwards step. I would take me several seasons before the DTM will come knocking again, during which time you will have me peddling everything from Trucks to Baja buggies. You my old mucka… are Fired!!

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