Monday, November 06, 2006

The Spirit of Guido Fawkes

(Nige) It was a few days after Halloween, yet I had found myself in a scenario familiar to anyone who has seen a horror film. I was stumbling about in the dark feeling my way gently towards the light. I wore the mists like a cloak, all around me nothing by white swirling cloud. With my fingertip in contact with the cold brick wall I edged slowly along the passage, knowing that if I edged but a step too far I would find myself knee deep in a pond with Koi nibbling at my ankles.

Several loud bangs assured me that I was headed in the right direction. Suddenly out of the swirling mists a shadowy figure looms into view, behind him a ghostly orangy glow. The figures face is filled with terror, as my feet stick to the ground in fear it lets out a terrified scream.


All went quiet, what had I seen? Was it living or dead? What had caused the look of terror etched on that poor Souls face?

I doubted the figure to be Paranormal, as my personal view is that death is exactly like life, just with longer queues at the Post Office

I finally reached the end of the path to see several more shadowy figures lurking in the ever-thickening gloom.

The bangs erupted once more, as the ghostly silhouettes turned and began to move towards me. I hesitated, as I realised that there was nowhere left to run. Suddenly at one the shadows shouted out in one voice – “Happy Birthday!”

For this year Tom’s Guy Fawkes: Fireworks & First Aid Extravaganza had fallen upon my birthday. And as we stood upon his patio in a sustainable level of terror, thankfully most of the fireworks took off in a semi vertical direction.

Just the one had come towards the crowd, shortly before my arrival causing the thick smoke and the paniced figures I had seen,. Thankfully we are all still alive, we all had a lot to drink and only one person slipped on a cow-pat.

Now that’s a party!

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