Monday, October 30, 2006

EXCLUSIVE: The Not Quite Marathon Man

(Nige) Congratulations to our very own Jon “Radcliffe” Bryant who stormed home to a Personal Best 1,114th in the 2006 Barnes Green Half Marathon.

JB was disappointed to have so narrowly missed out on a podium finish but would like to point out that his finishing time was hindered by a bit of standing about posing for the cameras in assorted sporty headgear sparking rumours that JB’s sponsorship agreements had gone a bit further than taking a form around the local pubs.

JB Denied ever having taken any commercial endorcements claiming his unusual attire was "just something I had lying about". He then stormed off to his brand new Porsche.

JB, who has for the last few months been putting in lengthy evening runs after work, has now announced his future intention is to spend more time sitting on the sofa eating crisps and scratching.

He raised about £1,000 for Charadee and is now looking forward to getting back to the Bryson lifestyle of Pub-based sloth and Potted Noodle snack treats.

Look out for for the Inside story of JB's run right here on Brysonline, as soon as his pain has gone away.

JB's better half TC also featured in the race, and without the aid of commercial endorcements or "Qualifying-Spec" Running shoes finished a commendable 1122nd.

As for me, I was sat at home watching DTM on the Telly - well it was a Sunday!

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