Monday, October 30, 2006

Here We Go Again...

(Ads) So, we're back on Greenwich Mean Time. That can only mean one thing (or two) - winter is well and truly on its way, and our Government are yet again calling to abolish the time-changing exercise altogether.

Some argue that the roads will be safer for children and cyclists during the winter months if we stopped piddling around with the time.

Clearly, this is a misconception. Children thrive on the dark - they're all monsters anyway. And cyclists are pains in the arse throughout the year - regardless of whether they're wearing hi-vis jackets or have lights on or not.

This is, in fact, another swipe at the motorist commuter. To remain on Bristish Summer Time 365 days a year will mean the ice on our windscreens have had even less time to melt. The sun is perilously low in the sky to cause early morning blindness and less people will be able to claim sick leave due to Seasonal Affected Disorder.

I say, if you want longer days throughout the year, piss off to Kenya.

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