Tuesday, October 17, 2006

History, My Story ...Everybody's Story!

Following the news last week of the Korean bomb, I told of my plans to Case my garden shed in lead and prepare for the worst. I was ready to adopt a life of hermitude equipped only with £2000 worth of Pot Noodles and a Game Boy. After pondering on various places in which to build my shelter, I finally settled on adopting the old environmentalists tactic of making a peace/love camp high up in the trees. (Well you’d need something to do when it was all over!)

The council however had other ideas, and soon told me to take it back down again as:

A: Apparently I needed planning permission and
B: The 200 year old oak tree I had chosen carried some sort of preservation order.

Basically I had just 24 hours to get this thing down before they slapped a court order on me. I reluctantly acquiesced and headed back to the woods where thankfully a combination of Gravity and half-arsed labour had beaten me to it. All that was left was a small pile of debris and the hope that no dogs had been relieving themselves against the aged oak at crucial moment.

I’ll blame it on a freak lightning bolt!

It’s probably for the best. There is a lot going on at the moment that it was probably the wrong time to start my hermitude. There is the Final Showdown between Schumacher & Alonso at Interlagos, The introduction of new Spicy Zinger Chicken at KFC, and Footballers seemingly taking my advise to heart and beginning to play with enough passion to Hospitalise half the Premiership.

Noel Edmonds continues his rise to World Domination, David Cameron is getting upset about Cows farting and somehow, somebody has managed to rake up even more Embarrassing stories about David Blunkett.

OK so these times may not match the splendour of Ancient Rome, The roads no longer lead anywhere as they’ve been turned into bus lanes, and the Vestal Virgins may all be claiming Child Support, but it’s still a fantastic moment in history.

Which is why the National Trust want everybody to "Blog their Day" and try to build a comprehensive guide for future Generations on the delights in living in the World of iPods and James Blunt.

So to get involved in Britains biggest blog, and get your chance to be listed the archives of the British Library, why not take a look at the History Matters website

History Does Matter, and unlike that splintered Oak Tree it will be around forever!

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