Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Ready the Red Carpet

It’s Almost November which means it’s got to be time for the Bryson Boys to get those submissions in for the 3rd Annual Chiltie Awards!

There is going to be a change in format this year in that there are no official catagories to mark the usual great achievement and drunken stupidity. Instead the field is open for anybody to nominate anybody or anything, for anything!

The best will be declared Chiltie Winners for 2006

The Only Category that does carry over from previous years is the Big One: The Bryson Moment of the Year (And the very small trophy that goes with it)

So get thinking peeps, and send in those Personal Triumphs, Embrassing Moments, Personal Injuries and Memorable Quotes.

The closing date for nominations will be Sunday the 12th of November 2006.

1 comment:

Ads said...

Right, I've had a think, and here are some suggestions for the 3rd Annual Chiltie Awards:

Survivor of the Year - Henry the watermelon (Le Mans 2006) for obvious reasons, we made the fatal error of drawing a face on him with ketchup and managed to avoid easting him. Although he is most likely a pile of rotten fruit now, he survived five days without even a knife being plunged into him.

Faux Pas of the Year - Nige putting his cigarette out in Macca's full bottle of beer. It's not exactly a "Curb Your Enthusiasm" moment, but it sure was funny at the time.
My second nomination for this catergory is the "Lager Theif" at the Bryson Boys inpromptu curry night.

Comical Moment of the Year - Kimi Raikkonen's "I was having a shit" remark during Brundle's pit walk.

My nomination for the Bryson Moment of the Year has to be Jim's birthday - staggering, collapsing, and chundering.

I may come back with some more suggestions, I might not - it depends how busy I get.