Thursday, September 28, 2006

A1 at 2

It’s going to mean a few early starts this weekend as the Grand Prix season hits the home stretch. The almost comically out-of-proportion Shanghai circuit will play host to what will most probably be the next round of the Schumacher retirement bash.

Of course Renault, as always, will be doing everything to ruin the party. New swanky engines with extra zing (Technical terms all!) and a driver with less a chip, more an entire potato harvest on his shoulder.

Between the Last stand of the old master and the Indefatigable, almost clockwork precision of Alonso, this is certainly going to be a good race. Let us all hope that the rest of the season play’s out without "outside interference"

This weekend also marks the second birthday of A1GP. 12 months on from the naysayers predictions of doom, the series is back and looking strong. Circuits that failed to promote the series have fallen by the wayside and made room for Brno, Taupo and the ever exciting Zandvoort. After a year on the road cheering on Jos Verstappen the Dutch have been rewarded with their own race, and it was an almost immediate sell-out. (I know, I tried to get tickets!)

After a fantastic first race at Brands - on a glorious day as I nostalgically remember –my interest in the series dropped, to the point I then missed the first half of the season. Team France topped the results pages in Autosport and it looked a one sided contest. In terms of points, wins and prizemoney it was, but that was almost to miss the point.

It was rare that France ever had an entire race go their way. Brazil, GBR, The Swiss and the Dutch were always knocking on the door, and Canada and South Africa also tasted the bubbly.

The fact was that even though the podiums did look a bit regular, the races that lead to them never were! As a format A1GP worked, even when the cars and the tyres didn’t. By the end of the season it was beginning to look like the races could be won by anyone. You only have to look at the podium for Shanghai last year to see that the form book could be thrown away by any driver ready to raise the bar.

And so as it enters it’s second season promising action all the way, I raise my glass to A1GP – Long may it last!

And good luck to Darren Manning and Team GBR!

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