GAZEBO: A once innocent word referring to a simple wooden garden structure developed a whole new life after the nocturnal activities of one Bryson member were made public. Anyone fancy a quick Gazebo?
LAZZARD: Maccas slip of the tongue on a drunken night at Aux Portes du Circuit in Le Mans gave birth to a Bryson Battle Cry. Generally referring to being so drunk you can’t get your words out. Let’s Get Lazzard or On the Lazz are the most common uses.
SCORN: Feel my Scorn. Usually reserved for moments when somebody else has blagged something free and the rest of us did not.
FANTASTIC: Chi-Chi’s famous war-cry!
STYUF: Abbreviation of “See-through yet ultimately frustrating”, a source of great anxiety for Chi-Chi. Generally refers to articles of feminine nightwear.
WARP-FACTOR JON: Normal Life run at 3x the speed. Seemingly contradictory to the Bryson philosophy of general Sloth.
GROOVEARSE: Big Nige’s Mini Cooper as christened by Adams Sister.
GINGER: JB’s old Fiesta. His pride of having a new car vanished rapidly as out of the sea of blank faces comes the exclamation “…but it’s Ginger!” Eventually Replaced it with a Uniform Blue Diesel.
HO-HUM: For those moments when you should probably care a lot more about something than you actually do. Has in the past followed statements such as “X and I have split up” and “We’ve left James in Brighton again!”
T.J. BIMMY: A long running Bryson joke about the worlds worst country and western singing cowboy. Grew out of the early email correspondence between us whilst bored at work. He has in past written such legendary tunes as “Hodown in My Heart” and the seminal piece “Outlaw Man (From the Streets of Dagenham)”. His name, Timothy James Bimmy, came from a disastrous attempt by JB to name the members of the Famous 5. Timmy, Jimmy, Bimmy….
SPONTANIOUS HODOWN: An impromptu get-together
STUNT : Coming from Stunt Double, refers to when something is fake or not quite right, such as Tom-boys Stunt Tag Heuer with visible Airfix glue.
(THE CUPID) STUNTS: Our all conquering Pub Quiz team with the almost rude name. We are still campaigning hard for the return of the Monday Night Quiz. Became abbreviated to The Stunts or The Stunts on Tour when in a different pub.
STORYTIME ANTHOLOGY: A Series of Ten short Stories penned by Nige and sent around by email. Most were based in a vaguely familiar Historical Village and introduced characters such as Legendary Lawman Gus el Inferno, Yomo the Lad, The slightly singed delivery boy and the iconic Slothmaster Persuivant.
NOT APPLICABLE: Not Applicable Productions is the virtual studios set up by Nige to showcase his films made using the PC Game “The Movies”. On this page have been posted adaptations of much of the Storytime Anthology. Nige is especially proud of the Trilogy of Films starring Legendary Lawman Gus el Inferno. Heres a Link!
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