Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Another Victory for Science

Just 24 hours ago I pleaded with the worlds clever people to stop working on whizzier weather forecast graphics and instead turn their attention to the things that will make life better in the 21st century.

I can now announce that they have done me proud. Scientists have now invented, oh I can hardly control the excitement, a Hypoallergenic Cat.

So now even the strongest of allergy sufferers can enjoy all the fun of owning a cat, and I'm told there is some.

Understandably these specially tweeked moggies cost a fair old whack, but they do replace the current Anti-Allergy System as demonstrated here by my Auntie Merryl and Mister Tom.

Personally I am going to hold out until they can make them glow in the dark, but it's a step in the right direction.

The scientists are back on the game. Those Jetpacks will be in the shops by Xmas!!

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