Well when it finally came I am sure everybody was equally shocked my Michael Schumacher’s spontaneous retirement. Or rather as spontaneous as you can get without the entire Motor Racing community having been openly discussing it for over 12 months now.
I did hear a report of an elderly gentlemen in Loughborough who leaped up in shock as the announcement was made, but it later transpired that a mid-air collision between his pouncing cat and a coffee cup was to blame. Apparently if he keeps applying the lotion as advised then he will be back to his old trouser wearing self by Thursday.
I'd imagaine the trackside spectators at Lydden Hill on Saturday were surprised by the sight of a Photographer falling head first into a stack of tyres. Fear not fellow enthusiasts as I can tell you that he escaped with only a small bruise to his ego. This I know as it was none other than our own resident Amateur Photographer and trainee tumbler, JB.
I’m sure he will expand on this story at a later date as I know he has to Plug his own website from time to time, and he has some pictures he would greatly like to sell you all. (Unfortunately he doesn’t have a photo of his legs waving helplessly from that tyre stack but we will all be keeping an eye out for this weeks Autosport.)
One of the biggest surprise’s I have ever received occurred exactly 12 months ago today.
At the bequest of the Lesser-spotted Macca we had all been summoned to the pub where we were expecting a special announcement.
Obviously the Bryson rumour mill sprang into action and we had guessed everything from them having bought a new house, to getting engaged, or even the prospect of the soon to be lesser heard footsteps from an ickle lesser spotted maccette!
What did happen stunned us all. It was the return of Chi-Chi and Mrs Chi-Chi from their round the world Honeymoon (12 months early!)
Of course the shock was even greater as just 5 days earlier we had all gone out to a curry house to mark their Wedding Anniversary and to toast absent friends, had we waited a week they’d have been there!
So tonight we will gather again as Chi-Chi recounts the tale of how stunned we were, and I’m sure we’ll all have a good laugh at the thought of JB’s legs waving from that tyre stack!
They were very nice legs. And this was before I attempted to castrate myself using only a wire fence and not long enough legs. But more to follow...
It almost seems like this meeting was worth getting up at 5:30am for!
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