Now here at Brysonline we know a bandwagon when we see one and are always keen to throw ourselves enthusiastically in its direction.
Newspapers have tried many things over the years to encourage people away from the free websites and back to the Daily press with all that need to know stuff like; Who’s Tara Palmer Bananarama bonking now, and what David Beckham thinks about Cheese.
As if the nocturnal habits of the so-called celebritys wasn’t enough to have you stampeding to the newsagents with your 40p, they sweeten the deal by offering you that little bit more. My bookshelves are near bursting point with complementary Mr Men books, Dad’s Army DVDs and of course the Daily Mails Children’s collection, which I am to treasure for years to come… apparently!
Don’t tell anybody but I’m actually using Treasure Island to prop up my wobbly desk and The Railway Children to swat crane flies.
Now of course the order of the day is Wallcharts. From my beautifully illustrated wallchart I can now play an amateur David Bellamy in my own back garden. Unfortunately the only animals I could find in my back garden are Next doors cat, and a slightly podgy wood pigeon – neither of which was shown on my Chart of British Butterflies.
And so Brysonline is pleased to announce out own range of Wallcharts which can be yours to treasure for only £79.99 and 15 proofs of purchase from the Gibraltar branch of Marks & Spencer.
They Include:
• The 9’o-clock Scale: How to tell if Macca is Pissed
• Jim’s guide to Fighting your own Garage Door
• Adams Countdown to Casino Royale
• JB’s guide to Great British Hats
• WW1 Airship Recognition
• and Big Nige Drinks the Lagers of the World
All are painstakingly created by experts in the medium of crayon, and presented in a special presentation padded envelope – only used once before!
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