Monday, August 07, 2006

Chi-Chi Mystery starts Bryson Silly-Season

(NIGE) All the Bryson Boy’s shall be assembling this evening at Team HQ (Well the pub) and as of yet nobody knows why!

OK I admit it if far from unknown for me to be in the pub on a Monday or night, or any night for that matter! In fact I will go as far to say that I am very enthusiastic about going to the pub in general.

However tonight is slightly more cryptic and mysterious as all we know is that Chi-Chi has called a spontaneous celebration.

Is there a new job, or a new House on the horizon? Are we about to hear the patter of tiny rugby balls?

Will he be announced as Jacques Villeneuve’s replacement at BMW Sauber or has he finally found Macca so I can give him the £30 I owe him?

Has he achieved his lifelong dream and been hired as the dictator of a small tropical nation with a proud heritage in adult moviemaking?

Or has he finally been able to achieve a lasting peace in the Middle East?

It’s certainly got us all speculating wildly. Whatever the case all will be revealed at 8pm, and I’m sure quite a large quantity of lager will be consumed!


JB said...

It wasn't actually that exciting. In fact lets just say it was ruined by the new landlord giving away free pints...

The big surprise?

A new landlord.


Nige said...

Well it was news to me!

Surely Martins suprise was that he really didn't have a suprise, and that came as quite a suprise.

And at least we got a bit of fun out of the speculation.