Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Half-time - Change Ends!

Right, so we are half way through our tribute to the coolest racing drivers of all time. The second half will follow shortly (i.e. when JB writes them, because I am getting RSI – That’s Repetitive Sloth Injury).

From what I have heard JB is working on glowing tributes to James Hunt and the Tyrell twins of Cevert and Stewart, along with a track-side report from last Sunday’s 750 motor club meeting at Brands Hatch. Now it has been announced you are all entitled to go around to his house and poke him with the soggy end of a toilet brush until he posts. I’m joking of course, a broom will be acceptable.

Not that I would ever condone violence for the sake of comedy, as I told the police at the time I had no idea how a can of paint came to be carefully balanced on that lavatory door. I also stand by my story that the falling anvil had been dropped by a passing seagull en route to a crafts fair.

Anyway, we shall look forward to reading JB’s conclusion of our Kings of Cool featurette – or allow him enough time to acquire some protective clothing, it could go either way!

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