In years to come a married couple will be sitting in front of their television watching an endless procession of talking heads nostalgically reliving the years of the early 21st century. Up I’d pop, and while they argued between themselves trying to decide whether I was Nigel from Eastenders or that bloke with the monkey from the ITV Ads, I would recite memories of John Prescott playing Croquet, The Crazy Frog ringtone and sleeping through the England winning the Ashes.
One of the things I would probably pause upon for a moment would be 2006 being the year of cider.
After years of being associated with the smock wearing, straw-munching Wurzels, Cider is once again the beverage of choice in many pubs. One Irish brand in particular has revolutionised the whole concept of cider by insisting that it be drunk over ice. Suddenly cider manufacturers everywhere are adding ice-cubes to their promo shots as band-wagons are enthusiastically leapt upon.
What a simple idea! It’s got to be right up there with that fella who made millions by removing one olive from every jar, or whoever added the words “repeat if necessary” to shampoo directions.
Will the ice-trend continue into other areas of beverage?
It’s got to be great news for the police and for the government’s war on Binge-Drinking if suddenly everybody’s glasses are full of ice, and they are paying a pint price for a watered down half. Come 11 o clock everyone is sober and can’t figure out why!
Of course whether this is a lasting shift for cider or just a passing craze will be seen I’m sure on those biting November evenings when the pub heating has packed in. Whatever the case we’ve come a long way from the drunk on his bench with his bottle of super-strength.
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