Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Planet Potters

(NIGE) I’ll never forget the day I was told that the way I played pool didn’t count anymore. The Introduction of “World Rules” meant that overnight I went from understanding a game to having no idea how it works.

When it comes to bar-room games I seldom play that is simply an annoyance, but being told that there are no longer nine planets in the solar system makes you want to sit down with a very large brandy.

Yet as of today that is the situation that has arisen in our night skies.

With everyone expecting scienticians and celebrated boffins to declassify Pluto as an “Ice-Dwarf”, the news should have been a reduction in solar system capacity.

Education authorities would probably have preferred this measure as it meant textbooks could be altered with some scissors, black paper and a Pritt-stick.

However it’s new books all round as Pluto is confirmed as a planet, and the Solar System takes on an interesting new form.

Mercury – Venus – Earth – Mars – Ceres – Jupiter – Saturn – Uranus – Neptune – Pluto –Charon – UB313

My only concern is that UB313 is going to be a bit difficult to remember without a proper name, so I would like to throw “Brysonia” into the ring – or perhaps even “Zara”.

So OK I’ll never be able to play pool again, but when you have 3 entire new planets to play with - who cares!

1 comment:

Ads said...

So my tried an tested mnemonic to help me remember them as a child is now useless.

How on Earth (or Xena) am I going to remember them now?

I guess this puts a spanner Mystic Meg's works.