As I was sitting eating my lunch today my eyes were drawn to the words on the packaging.
“To Open Tear Here”
Now I may have an ungraded GNVQ, and I make no bones about the fact that I went to art-college. I do however understand the basic concept of having to remove the plastic surround before engaging myself in midday mastication.
I turned towards my small carton of blackcurrant flavour juice drink.
“To Open Pierce Hole with Straw”
Okay, then what?
If this company honestly believes I am not of a sufficient mental capacity to figure out a Drinks Carton then surely they should explain fully.
I might have stuck the straw in my eye and gone blind, or stuck it somewhere else and wished I’d gone blind!
An while I’m on the subject why is there such inconsistency in which products give me these instructions. For example shampoo makers feel inclined on giving me urgent instructions on how to wash my hair, yet toilet roll manufacturers are more than happy to leave me to my own devices!
As a species mankind is incredible! We have created civilisation, trade and communications. We have overcome gravity and learned to fly like the birds. We have even reached out from the tight confines of our planet and touched the stars.
...and yes, sometimes we can even open a packet of biscuits!
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