Sunday, August 06, 2006

Right On The Button

(NIGE) Congratulations to Jenson Button for breaking his Formula One Duck with a Superb drive from 14th on the grid in the eventful Hungarian Grand Prix.

Let us hope that with his first GP under his belt, and with the possible arrival on the Formula One scene of Anthony Davidson, Gary Paffet and Lewis Hamilton, we are about to enter a Golden age of British F1 Success.

A Little closer to home it might also inspire JB to progreess further on TOCA Race Driver 3, and James to invest in further improvements for his recently spontaniously purchased Scalextric.

1 comment:

Ads said...

Congratulations indeed to Jens, lucky number 113 it seems. It was nice to see a Grand Prix winner actually smiling, a podium full of potential and a sigh of unabashed relief for Fernando Alonso. Martin (Brundle), you picked the wrong race to claim your annual leave on.