Sunday, September 24, 2006

Free Publicity!!!

Nige is always on at me saying that I should use Bryson as a free publicity tool. So I am.

Yesterday saw me heading to Brands for the qualifying day for the British Touring Car Championship that Neil maintains is dull. But I wanted some nice shots of some nice cars. So I went along with my step ladder, some sandwiches and a memory card. Although I should have gone with 2 memory cards. The other one was sat on the desk just over there (not my stolen desk...)

So if you want to see the pics then go here!


Nige said...

You've certainly got better, that's almost a whole car!

JB said...

It was what i wanted. Good for putting in bits like this. Or for say on the front page of a website...

Nige said...

What you want to do is set up a GATSO at Paddock Hill Bend. Get every car then!

Why not bring up the subject with Dr Palmer?